Mars Society Founder Makes Case for ‘Mars Direct’ Path to the Red Planet

By Elizabeth Howell,, 11.06.19 WASHINGTON — Both SpaceX and NASA have ideas about how to get humans to the Red Planet, but the founder of the Mars Society says there’s a better way to do it.  In a colorful talk here at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) on Oct. 23, Robert Zubrin made the case for his long-standing “Mars Direct” plan. Mars Direct, Zubrin argued, makes more sense than SpaceX’s current Starship architecture and the plans of NASA, which may use… READ MORE >

Mars Society Awards Prizes to Mars Colony Design Contest Winners

The Mars Society has awarded prizes to the top five winners in this year’s inaugural Mars Colony Design Contest, an international competition to design a thousand-person permanent settlement on Mars. Held during the recent 2019 Mars Society Convention in Los Angeles, the first place prize of $10,000 was awarded to the Star City team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a rendering of which you can see to the right. “We were blown away by the quality of the one… READ MORE >

Join Us at European Mars Conference 2019 (Nov. 4-6)

Mars Society UK invites you to join us next week at the European Mars Conference 2019 in England.  The three-day science event will take place from Monday, 4th November to Wednesday, 6th November at the Institute of Physics in London. As the pre-eminent forum on Mars, the theme of this year’s European Mars Conference will be ‘Arrive, Survive and Thrive.’ Leading industry figures, thinkers, academics and engineers will be presenting their work, as well as their proposed paths to the planet Mars. … READ MORE >

2019-20 MDRS Field Season Arrives

The Mars Society’s Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) program, led by Dr. Shannon Rupert, is pleased to welcome our new crews to the Utah campus for the 2019-20 field season. During the course of the year, these dedicated crew members will be participating in important Mars analog research to help prepare human explorers for the challenges of visiting the Red Planet in the not too distant future. The following is the MDRS program itinerary for the coming year: Crew 214… READ MORE >

Many Thanks!

The Mars Society, led by Dr. Robert Zubrin, would like to take a moment to thank everyone who came to the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention in Los Angeles last week. With 350 (+) people attending the convention’s daily sessions, as well as the 300 who came to our sold-out Saturday evening banquet, this year’s international conference was one of the most successful to date. In addition, we would like to express our appreciation to all of the speakers… READ MORE >

SEA Dates for 2020 Legislative Blitz on Capitol Hill

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that the dates for the Space Exploration Alliance’s 2020 Legislative Blitz in Washington, D.C. will be Sunday, February 23rd through Tuesday, February 25th. The SEA consists of leading U.S. space advocacy groups, including National Space Society, Explore Mars, Moon Society, Federation of Galaxy Explorers, National Society of Black Engineers, Buzz Aldrin’s Human Spaceflight Institute, Students for the Exploration & Development of Space and the Mars Society. Established in 2004, the annual SEA Legislative… READ MORE >

Final Convention Schedule posted online

The final convention schedule is now available online. For more details about the 2019 International Mars Society Convention, including registration for the four-day conference (October 17-20) and evening banquet, visit our convention information page…. READ MORE >

Watch Mars Society Convention via Live Webcast

The 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention, scheduled for October 17-20 at the University of Southern California, will be broadcast via live webcast. This will include all major plenary talks, panel discussions and public debates over the course of the four-day conference in Los Angeles. Those unable to attend the international forum are kindly invited to watch any and all sessions at: To view the conference’s program itinerary, please click here. For additional details about the Mars Society convention,… READ MORE >

Rick Tumlinson to Discuss Global Space Movement at Mars Society Convention

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that Rick Tumlinson, Founding Partner of Space Fund and Founder of Earth Light Foundation, Space Frontier Foundation and the New World Institute, will address the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention on Thursday, October 17th at 7:30 pm at the University of Southern California (in Los Angeles). Mr. Tumlinson’s talk – “Reality Check – Taking the Fiction Out of the Space Frontier” – will take a hard core look at some of the… READ MORE >

Mars Society to Help Create Mars Technology Start-Ups at 2019 Convention

The Mars Society announced the convening of a special panel discussion entitled “Opportunities for Space Entrepreneurs” on Friday, October 18th at 11:30 am during its 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention in Los Angeles with the goal of helping attendees start their own companies focused on technologies with dual applications for Mars and Earth. The panel will be introduced by Dr. Alex MacDonald, NASA’s new Chief Economist, and facilitated by James Burk, Senior Manager of Artic Consulting and founding member… READ MORE >

SpaceX’s Paul Wooster to Speak at Mars Society Convention Banquet

SpaceX’s Paul Wooster to Speak at Mars Society Convention Banquet The Mars Society is very pleased to announce that this year’s Saturday evening banquet at the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention at USC in Los Angeles will include a talk by senior SpaceX representative Paul Wooster, providing an update about the company and its ongoing efforts to revolutionize space flight technology with the goal of enabling humanity to settle the solar system. Mr. Wooster currently serves as Principal Mars… READ MORE >

2019 Mars Society Convention Schedule Online

The full itinerary for the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention is now available for viewing online. Please visit to see the four-day conference schedule, running from October 17-20 at the University of Southern California (Los Angeles). The Mars Society convention program includes a series of plenary talks, panel discussions and public debates on important issues related to planning for a human mission to the Red Planet and general space exploration. Conference highlights will include an update about NASA’s… READ MORE >

Arch Mission Foundation Chairman Nova Spivack to Address Mars Society Convention

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that Nova Spivack, a world-renowned futurist and Chairman & Co-Founder of the Arch Mission Foundation, will give a plenary talk about his foundation’s efforts to preserve humanity’s knowledge and our planet’s biology through the establishment of off-world archives at the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention, set for October 17-20 at USC in Los Angeles.  Mr. Spivack’s plenary talk will occur during the conference’s opening session on the morning of October 17th. The Arch Mission… READ MORE >

JPL’s Ashwin Vasavada to Address 2019 Mars Society Convention

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that Dr. Ashwin R. Vasavada, JPL Project Scientist for NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), also known as the Curiosity rover, will give a plenary talk about MSL’s current operations on the Red Planet during the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention (October 17-20) at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Dr. Vasavada has been the lead scientist for the MSL mission since 2015, having served prior to that as deputy project… READ MORE >

[R.Zubrin] The Tardigrades-on-the-Moon Affair

By Robert Zubrin, National Review, 08.31.19 On April 11, 2019, the Israeli SpaceIL company’s Beresheet (Hebrew for “In the Beginning”) lunar lander crashed on the Moon. Beresheet’s payload, supplied by the non-profit Arch Mission Foundation, was meant to be an informational backup for the Earth. It included a DVD containing 30 million pages of human knowledge, as well as 60,000 etched pages requiring no computer to read, keys to 5,000 languages, and DNA samples from 25 people. According to Arch Mission Foundation chairman… READ MORE >

Mars Society in South Asia

We are glad to announce the establishment of Mars Society South Asia (MSSA), the official chapter of The Mars Society for countries in southern Asia. MSSA will serve as a non-profit space advocacy organization dedicated to the human exploration and settlement of the planet Mars. The new group will also act as the main authority for organizing the Indian Rover Challenge (IRC), part of the Mars Society’s Rover Challenge Series (RCS). MSSA teams comprise of alumni of more than 15… READ MORE >

Crew Application for MDRS 2020-21 Now Open

Those interested in serving as a crew member at the Mars Society’s Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), the largest and longest-running Mars simulation program in the world, located in southern Utah, can now apply for the 2020-21 field season, which runs from October 2020 thru May 2021. The MDRS Crew Application Form and the MDRS Application Instructions & Information are available on the Mars Society / MDRS web site, located at:, for downloading. Individuals can apply for the MDRS simulation, as… READ MORE >

Debate on NASA Lunar Gateway to be held at Mars Society Convention

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that a formal debate on NASA’s proposed Lunar Gateway project will take place at the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention on the evening of Thursday, October 17th at the University of Southern California. Currently still in development, Lunar Gateway is intended to operate as a small space station in lunar orbit, providing living quarters for astronauts, a lab for science and research, a holding area for rovers and ports for visiting spacecraft…. READ MORE >

NASA Geobiologist to Address Mars Society on Human Design Mission Elements for Red Planet

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that Dr. Darlene Lim, a geobiologist at NASA’s Ames Research Center and Bay Area Environmental Research Institute, will give a plenary talk about designing mission elements in support of the human exploration of Mars during the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention, scheduled for October 17-20 at the University of Southern California. Dr. Lim is part of a large research network working to get humans to the Red Planet. Her specific contribution to… READ MORE >

Honeybee Robotics VP to Discuss Planetary Drilling at Mars Society Convention

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that Dr. Kris Zacny, Vice President & Director of Exploration Technology at Honeybee Robotics, will speak about planetary drills and sampling systems on Mars and the Moon during the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention, scheduled for October 17-20 at the University of Southern California. Honeybee Robotics is a long-time supporter of NASA’s exploration missions. The company’s systems for drilling, coring and physical sampling of Mars, the Moon, and asteroids are designed to support scientific inquiry and… READ MORE >

Volunteers Needed @MDRS

Good at carpentry? Love assembling IKEA furniture? Consider volunteering at the Mars Society’s Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in southern Utah this fall to help install new upgrades to the facility’s Hab and Science Dome. Participate in our IKEA work crew from October 22 – 25. If you commit to helping out during the entire session, you’ll be able to stay overnight (3 nights) at MDRS in the crew quarters. Round-trip transportation will be provided from Grand Junction, Colorado to… READ MORE >

Mars InSight Project Manager to Give Update at Mars Society Convention

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that Tom Hoffman, JPL Project Manager of Mars InSight, will address the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention, scheduled for October 17-20 at the University of Southern California, to give an update about the lander’s ongoing mission. Mars InSight successfully landed on the surface of the Red Planet in November 2018 in order to examine the deep interior of Mars with the goal of helping scientists better understand how terrestrial planets are formed and evolve…. READ MORE >

Mars Society Now Accepts Donations in Bitcoin and other Digital Currencies

The Mars Society, the world’s largest non-profit dedicated to the human exploration of Mars, is pleased to announce that it is now able to accept Bitcoin and several other types of digital currencies as donations to further our goal of future human exploration and settlement of Mars. In addition, the organization is pleased to announce that it has received a large contribution of Marscoin, a digital currency similar to Bitcoin but focused on Mars. Additional donations of Bitcoin, Marscoin, Ethereum… READ MORE >

JPL Senior Scientist to Discuss Search for Life at Mars Society Convention

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that Dr. Luther Beegle, JPL’s Deputy Division Manager for Science, will give an update about ongoing efforts to detect surface and subsurface life on the Red Planet during the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention, scheduled for October 17-20 at the University of Southern California. A senior planetary scientist at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Dr. Beegle is involved in the Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity) mission, searching for and assessing past or present habitable environments… READ MORE >

Making the moon and Mars possible

Commentary by Dr. Robert Zubrin, Founder and President of the Mars Society Originally published in SpaceNews’ Apollo at 50 digital edition On July 20, 1989, the 20th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, President George H.W. Bush got up on the steps of the National Air and Space Museum flanked by Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins and declared that in the tradition of their great feat, he was declaring that the United States would now set its… READ MORE >