To see the Red Planet up close you do not have to book an expensive flight into space. You just have to join almost 400 contestants from five continents who will come to Kielce in September to take part in the final of the international Mars robots competition, the European Rover Challenge. Apart from observing the teams’ struggles, visitors can expect a very attractive Science and Technological Show Zone as well as lectures and workshops both for younger and older… READ MORE >
News & Announcements

Ten teams, including entrants from the USA, Russia, Poland, France, Switzerland and Sweden, have been selected out of a field of 100 competitors as finalists in the Mars Society’s Mars Colony Prize design contest. Here is the list including links to their presentations on YouTube: Team/Organization’s Name COUNTRY CrowdSpace Russia/USA Emerging Futures LLC USA Ideacity Poland Kent Nebergall USA LET IT BE France/Switzerland MIT – Star City USA Team Bubolaq USA Team Dvaraka Sweden Wesley Stine USA Wroclaw University of… READ MORE >

Today is the day! The Mars Society is launching its new official web site! After months of hard work by our technical volunteers led by our IT Director, James Burk, we are excited to roll out the new version of our organization’s main web site, located at: As we are sure you will notice, visitors will have quicker and easier access to our web pages and content. To the point, navigating just got a lot simpler! In addition to… READ MORE >

Life on Mars gets a test run in the Utah desert By David Kelly, Los Angeles Times, June 23, 2019 Hang a right a few miles past the Dirty Devil River, bump down Cow Dung Road, and the barren, red landscape beyond morphs from mere desert into something, well, otherworldly. Men and women in spacesuits and oxygen tanks pick their way around boulders. One collects soil samples. Another launches a drone. The aircraft hovers then drops. Whirring blades thwack the… READ MORE >

Presentations for the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention (October 17-20, University of Southern California) are invited, dealing with all matters associated with the human exploration and settlement of Mars, including science, technology, engineering, politics, economics and public policy. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be sent by August 31st, 2019 (please note new date) to ensure scheduling of sessions and inclusion in our printed conference materials. After this date we cannot guarantee that your session will be… READ MORE >

At Today’s NASA, Success Is Not an Option By Robert Zubrin National Review, 06.12.19 The Trump administration has proposed a bold new initiative, dubbed the Artemis Program, that will send astronauts to the Moon by 2024 and Mars by 2033. As detailed by NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine in a presentation on May 23, the program will include some 37 launches by 2028, kicked off by the maiden launch of the agency’s new Space Launch System (SLS) heavy-lift booster in October 2020…. READ MORE >

The University Rover Challenge (URC) awarded the title of World’s Top Mars Rover to the IMPULS team from Kielce University of Technology in Poland on June 1. The 2019 rendition of URC hosted 34 rovers and more than 500 students from ten countries at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in southern Utah. URC is an annual competition which asks college students to design and build the world’s best Mars rover. The win for the IMPULS team, their first ever,… READ MORE >

Mars Society president Dr. Robert Zubrin has published a new book. Entitled “The Case for Space: How the Revolution in Spaceflight Opens Up a Future of Unlimited Possibility,” the book has received rave reviews in USA Today and Forbes. According to Glenn Reynolds, writing in USA Today: “In his new book …The Case For Space: How the Revolution in Spaceflight Opens Up a Future of Limitless Possibility, famed astronautical engineer Bob Zubrin talks about the how and the why of… READ MORE >

25 teams, including entrants from the U.S., the U.K., Japan, Poland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland and Israel, have been selected out of a field of 100 competitors as semi-finalists in the Mars Society’s Mars Colony Prize design contest. The Mars Colony Prize design contest challenged people from all walks of life anywhere in the world to design a 1,000 person Mars colony, with design criteria including technical merit (40 points), economic viability (30 points) and social, political, and aesthetic considerations… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is very pleased to announce the winner of its 2019 Mars Society Poster Contest – Joseph Sweeney of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. In addition to being a creative designer, Joseph is a data analyst and program manager and is also the founder of ‘Aspiring Martians.’ Graphic artists who participated in the annual competition were asked to submit a poster using the theme “The Space Launch Revolution: Opening the Way to Mars” for the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention… READ MORE >

According to an article by Jeff Foust in the April 18th issue of Space News, an “Independent report concludes that a 2033 human Mars mission is not feasible.” Foust reports: “STPI (the Science and Technology Policy Institute) at NASA’s direction, used the strategy the agency had laid out in its ‘Exploration Campaign’ report, which projects the continued use of the Space Launch System and Orion and development of the lunar Gateway in the 2020s. That would be followed by the… READ MORE >

By Robert Zubrin Space News, 04.17.19 NASA has proposed to build a lunar orbiting space station, called the lunar Gateway, to use as a base for lunar exploration. This plan is severely defective. The Gateway project may be compared to a deal in which you are offered a chance to rent an office in Thule, Greenland, on the following terms: 1. You pay to construct the building. 2. You accept a 30-year lease with high monthly rents and no exit clause…. READ MORE >

April 15, 2019 The Mars Society has released the first episode in a new podcast series titled “Mars Talk” which will be available in both video and audio formats on the organization’s YouTube channel, via iTunes and the podcast’s website Billed as “a community discussion about humanity’s future in space”, the bi-weekly podcast will feature Mars Society chapter leaders and other guests to discuss the Society’s activities as well as those of individual chapters. The podcast will also provide… READ MORE >

The Mars Society Southern California (SoCal) chapter is pleased to announce that it will be hosting a special event this Friday (April 19th) at 7:00 pm in Pasadena with Mars Society President Dr. Robert Zubrin speaking about his new book, “The Case for Space: How the Revolution in Spaceflight Opens Up a Future of Limitless Possibility.” In his latest work, due out next month, Dr. Zubrin talks about the new space race, not involving rival superpowers, but rather competing entrepreneurs… READ MORE >

Members of Crew 208 (Medical Makers) recently celebrated Yuri’s Night 2019 at the Mars Society’s Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in southern Utah. Completing its 10-day field simulation this past weekend, the 5-member team was glad to join in the world-wide effort to commemorate humanity’s achievements in space exploration. Based in Canada, Medical Makers is a global community of innovators, patients, and healthcare providers who use low-cost technologies to make sustainable solutions to save lives, time and money…. READ MORE >

Following a whirlwind tour of eastern China by Mars Society President Dr. Robert Zubrin and his wife, science educator Hope Zubrin, the Mars Society China has taken off. During the course of the week-long visit in late March, organized by Mars Society China Executive Director Angela Tingting Cui and her capable team, Dr. Zubrin gave a series of talks at Shanghai JiaoTong University and Beijing BeiHang University, “Case for Mars” book clubs in Jinan and Beijing and a Chinese space agency institute… READ MORE >

In response to U.S. Vice President Mike Pence’s NASA announcement in Huntsville, Alabama earlier today, Mars Society President Dr. Robert Zubrin commented: Vice President Pence’s declaration of intent to land Americans on the Moon by 2024 was a welcome statement of resolve, vitally necessary to give the nation a human space flight program that is actually going somewhere. His call to put the base at the lunar South Pole is also welcome since that is where ice reserves can be… READ MORE >

After the most competitive System Acceptance Review (SAR) milestone in the competition’s history, 36 teams from 10 countries have been selected as finalists to compete at the 2019 University Rover Challenge (URC), held May 30 – June 1 at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in Utah! In each of URC’s 13 years, the student teams have continued to innovate and challenge each other to build the most advanced Mars rover possible. The SAR is a competitive milestone in which… READ MORE >

Dr. Robert Zubrin, President of the Mars Society, will be visiting China in late March to give a series of public lectures on planning for human Mars exploration and the importance of international cooperation in exploring space. He will also be attending the inaugural meeting of the Mars Society China chapter and discussing his premier book on Mars exploration, “The Case for Mars”, which was published in Chinese. For more details, please visit the Mars Society China Facebook page…. READ MORE >

The 2019 Mars Society Poster Contest begins today. Members, friends, students and space enthusiasts are invited to submit a creative poster for consideration, with the winning design to be used as the main promotional graphic for the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention, scheduled for October 17-20, 2019 at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Those intending to create a poster for the annual competition are asked to incorporate the theme of this year’s convention – “The Space… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is looking for a number of responsible volunteers to help support and manage the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention, scheduled for October 17-20, 2019 at the University of Southern California (Los Angeles). All volunteers who participate in the running of the Mars Society convention for at least 10 hours over the course of the four day conference will receive free entrance to the event (not including the Saturday evening banquet). To register as a… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention will be convened Thursday-Sunday, October 17-20, 2019 on the campus of the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles. The four-day event is being held in concert with the Southern California Commercial Spaceflight Initiative. The Mars Society conference will bring together prominent scientists, policymakers, entrepreneurs, journalists and space advocates to discuss the significance of the latest scientific discoveries, technological advances and political-economic-social developments that could impact… READ MORE >

By Dr. Peter Detterline Director, MDRS Observatory There is a new star rising at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) that allows crew and professional astronomers, as well as college and high school students, the ability to incorporate cutting edge technology to explore the wonders of the universe. The MDRS Robotic Observatory works in a similar manner as today’s modern facilities, and indeed as an observatory would work on the Red Planet someday in the future. No one physically… READ MORE >

As we near the end of 2018, the Mars Society would like to take a moment to pause and reflect on what keeps our mission going. It’s you. We extend our sincere appreciation to you – as members and donors – for supporting the Mars Society. We couldn’t accomplish what we do without you. As the largest and most influential space advocacy group dedicated to the human exploration and settlement of the Red Planet, the Mars Society is committed to expanding its… READ MORE >

By Robert Zubrin & Homer Hickam The Washington Post, 12.10.18 Robert Zubrin is president of the Mars Society and Pioneer Astronautics and the author of “The Case for Mars.” Homer Hickam is a former NASA engineer and the author of multiple books, including the memoir “Rocket Boys,” which was made into the film “October Sky.” Late last year, President Trump directed NASA to “lead the return of humans to the moon.” For most folks, the meaning of this was pretty clear: Americans would soon walk on… READ MORE >