The Mars Society is pleased to announce that the next episode of its Red Planet Live podcast will air on Wednesday, August 21st, at 5:00 PM PT / 8:00 pm ET. This show will feature interviews with two prominent leaders in the organization’s educational outreach: Nicole Willett, the Mars Society’s Director of Education Programs, and Jen Carver-Hunter, master teacher and crew commander of the NASA-funded Spaceward Bound Utah program. Nicole Willett has been the driving force behind the Mars Society’s… READ MORE >
Topic Area: Field studies

The Mars Society is very pleased to announce the safe return of Crew 16 (Arctic Wolves), an international team of seven scientists, who have completed their mission at the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station on Devon Island. Following several days of weather delays, the crew finally departed the island and arrived safely in Resolute Bay, Nunavut Territory earlier today. Taking advantage of their brief time in Resolute Bay, the crew enjoyed much-needed showers and a hearty meal before boarding a… READ MORE >

Crew 16 (Arctic Wolves) officially began their simulation on Saturday (July 6th) at the Mars Society’s Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station on Devon Island in Nunavut territory. Located near the 20-kilometer wide Haughton Crater, formed by a massive meteorite impact 31 million years ago, the analog station serves as an ideal environment for Mars mission simulations. Led by Dr. Ilaria Cinelli, the 7-person international team is conducting important research and field studies to help prepare future astronauts for exploring the… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that a five-person crew will be visiting the organization’s Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station (FMARS) on Devon Island in northern Canada in mid-July 2023 in order to reactivate the facility and conduct a two-week simulation in one of the most Mars-like environments on Earth just 900 miles from the North Pole. A multi-national team from the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States, designated as Crew 15, will spend approximately 7-10 days working… READ MORE >

We’re glad to announce that members of Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) Crew 269, led by their commander Dr. Kristine L. Ferrone, are set to appear on the next episode of the Mars Society’s Red Planet Live (RPL) podcast, scheduled for Tuesday, March 21st (5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET). A monthly one-hour video podcast hosted by Ashton Zeth, RPL brings together the people instrumental in planning for the exploration and eventual settlement of the red planet, covering a… READ MORE >

Located in southern Utah, the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) is a private scientific facility used by trained crew members to carry out important research and field studies to help future human explorers on Mars. Our MDRS field season, which includes rotating analog crew missions on site, begins at the end of October 2022 and concludes in early June 2023. MDRS does not offer public touring of the facility or campus. People are allowed to pass by from Cow Dung… READ MORE >