Presentations are now online for all ten finalists in this year’s inaugural Mars Colony Design Contest, an international competition to design a thousand-person permanent settlement on Mars. The presentations were given during the recent International Mars Society Convention in Los Angeles on October 19, 2019. Several entries, including these ten, will be included in a special print book that the Mars Society is working to publish by late this year. Dr. Robert Zubrin, Mars Society President, announced that we will… READ MORE >
Topic Area: Mars Colony Prize

The Mars Society has awarded prizes to the top five winners in this year’s inaugural Mars Colony Design Contest, an international competition to design a thousand-person permanent settlement on Mars. Held during the recent 2019 Mars Society Convention in Los Angeles, the first place prize of $10,000 was awarded to the Star City team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a rendering of which you can see to the right. “We were blown away by the quality of the one… READ MORE >

Ten teams, including entrants from the USA, Russia, Poland, France, Switzerland and Sweden, have been selected out of a field of 100 competitors as finalists in the Mars Society’s Mars Colony Prize design contest. Here is the list including links to their presentations on YouTube: Team/Organization’s Name COUNTRY CrowdSpace Russia/USA Emerging Futures LLC USA Ideacity Poland Kent Nebergall USA LET IT BE France/Switzerland MIT – Star City USA Team Bubolaq USA Team Dvaraka Sweden Wesley Stine USA Wroclaw University of… READ MORE >

25 teams, including entrants from the U.S., the U.K., Japan, Poland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland and Israel, have been selected out of a field of 100 competitors as semi-finalists in the Mars Society’s Mars Colony Prize design contest. The Mars Colony Prize design contest challenged people from all walks of life anywhere in the world to design a 1,000 person Mars colony, with design criteria including technical merit (40 points), economic viability (30 points) and social, political, and aesthetic considerations… READ MORE >

The Mars Society is holding a special contest called The Mars Colony Prize for designing the best plan for a Mars colony of 1000 people. There will be a prize of $10,000 for first place, $5,000 for second and $2500 for third. In addition, the best 20 papers will be published in a book – “Mars Colonies: Plans for Settling the Red Planet.” The Mars colony should be self-supporting to the maximum extent possible – i.e. relying on a minimum mass of… READ MORE >