We’ve Got a Winner!! 2019 Mars Society Poster Contest

The Mars Society is very pleased to announce the winner of its 2019 Mars Society Poster Contest – Joseph Sweeney of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. In addition to being a creative designer, Joseph is a data analyst and program manager and is also the founder of ‘Aspiring Martians.’ Graphic artists who participated in the annual competition were asked to submit a poster using the theme “The Space Launch Revolution: Opening the Way to Mars” for the 22nd Annual International Mars Society Convention… READ MORE >

Zubrin Comments on New Independent Report on Human Mars Mission

According to an article by Jeff Foust in the April 18th issue of Space News, an “Independent report concludes that a 2033 human Mars mission is not feasible.” Foust reports: “STPI (the Science and Technology Policy Institute) at NASA’s direction, used the strategy the agency had laid out in its ‘Exploration Campaign’ report, which projects the continued use of the Space Launch System and Orion and development of the lunar Gateway in the 2020s. That would be followed by the… READ MORE >

[R.Zubrin Op-Ed] Lunar Gateway or Moon Direct? [4.17.19]

By Robert Zubrin Space News, 04.17.19 NASA has proposed to build a lunar orbiting space station, called the lunar Gateway, to use as a base for lunar exploration. This plan is severely defective. The Gateway project may be compared to a deal in which you are offered a chance to rent an office in Thule, Greenland, on the following terms: 1. You pay to construct the building. 2. You accept a 30-year lease with high monthly rents and no exit clause…. READ MORE >

Mars Society Announces New Podcast “Mars Talk” Highlighting Chapter Activities & Space News

April 15, 2019 The Mars Society has released the first episode in a new podcast series titled “Mars Talk” which will be available in both video and audio formats on the organization’s YouTube channel, via iTunes and the podcast’s website www.MarsTalk.org.  Billed as “a community discussion about humanity’s future in space”, the bi-weekly podcast will feature Mars Society chapter leaders and other guests to discuss the Society’s activities as well as those of individual chapters.  The podcast will also provide… READ MORE >

Robert Zubrin to Introduce New Book at SoCal Meeting

The Mars Society Southern California (SoCal) chapter is pleased to announce that it will be hosting a special event this Friday (April 19th) at 7:00 pm in Pasadena with Mars Society President Dr. Robert Zubrin speaking about his new book, “The Case for Space: How the Revolution in Spaceflight Opens Up a Future of Limitless Possibility.” In his latest work, due out next month, Dr. Zubrin talks about the new space race, not involving rival superpowers, but rather competing entrepreneurs… READ MORE >

Happy Yuri’s Night from Mars

Members of Crew 208 (Medical Makers) recently celebrated Yuri’s Night 2019 at the Mars Society’s Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in southern Utah. Completing its 10-day field simulation this past weekend, the 5-member team was glad to join in the world-wide effort to commemorate humanity’s achievements in space exploration. Based in Canada, Medical Makers is a global community of innovators, patients, and healthcare providers who use low-cost technologies to make sustainable solutions to save lives, time and money…. READ MORE >

Mars Society China Takes Off

Following a whirlwind tour of eastern China by Mars Society President Dr. Robert Zubrin and his wife, science educator Hope Zubrin, the Mars Society China has taken off. During the course of the week-long visit in late March, organized by Mars Society China Executive Director Angela Tingting Cui and her capable team, Dr. Zubrin gave a series of talks at Shanghai JiaoTong University and Beijing BeiHang University, “Case for Mars” book clubs in Jinan and Beijing and a Chinese space agency institute… READ MORE >