Mars Society Washington, D.C. Conference a Great Success

The 18th Annual International Mars Society Convention held at the Catholic University of America August 13-16, 2015 was a great success. Some 250 people attended to hear over 80 presentations covering all aspects of Mars exploration, including the latest robotic missions, human expeditions and settlement of the Red Planet and Mars habitability. By most accounts, the high points of the four-day conference were two dramatic debates conducted on the evenings of Thursday, August 13th and Friday, August 14th. The first was… READ MORE >

MDRS GreenHab Campaign Reaches 100% Funding!

We’re pleased to announce that the Mars Society just reached the 100% funding mark for its Mars Desert Research Station GreenHab crowdfunding campaign! We were able to accomplish this important goal due to your generous support… three days early. Over 140 people from the U.S. and several other countries have donated – so far – to the online campaign. As with most crowdfunding efforts, campaign planners typically prepare stretch goals in case the desired mark is reached before the scheduled… READ MORE >

Mars Society Appoints Lucinda Offer as Executive Director

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that Lucinda Offer has been appointed as the organization’s new Executive Director, a position she held previously from 2009-2012. Mrs. Offer’s appointment was approved during a recent meeting of the Mars Society Steering Committee. A high school science teacher by profession, Mrs. Offer has been at the forefront of Mars advocacy for more than a decade, having served as director of public relations and a senior officer for international development for the Mars Society,… READ MORE >

Watch Talks from 2015 Mars Society Convention on YouTube

A number of plenary talks, panel discussions and public debates from the 2015 International Mars Society Convention have been posted on the Mars Society’s YouTube page for viewing. If you were unable to attend the four-day conference in Washington, D.C., please consider watching the videos online. More will be added in the coming days. Thanks!… READ MORE >