Cosmic Cocktails & Conversations: Space & Time Networking Night at the Mars Society Convention

Science, tech & space enthusiasts, unite! Join us for an out-of-this-world evening at the Space & Time Networking Night 🚀, part of the 2024 International Mars Society Convention at UW Seattle. Co-hosted by the Mars Society and Seattle Space Happy Hour, this event will take place on Friday, August 10th, from 7:00-9:00pm at the Burke Museum of Natural History & Culture, an intimate setting surrounded by pre-historic dinosaur fossils. It’s your chance to rub elbows with fellow space geeks, chat… READ MORE >

Tune In: Red Planet Live’s Mars Society Ambassador Program Special!

Get ready for an exciting episode of Red Planet Live! On Tuesday, August 6th (5pm PT / 8pm ET), join us for an in-depth look into the Mars Society’s Ambassador Program, led by its newly appointed director and RPL host Ashton Zeth. This 60-minute live broadcast will feature a panel of esteemed guests including James Melton, the founder of the program and Chief Ambassador Emeritus, along with international program representatives Nasir Rizwan (Pakistan), Jonathan Adler (Australia), and Emmanuel Kyei Twumasi… READ MORE >

MDRS Director Sergii Iakymov to Join NASA HERA Simulation in Houston

We are very excited to share that our own Sergii Iakymov, Director of the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS), has been chosen to join a 45-day NASA simulated Mars mission (Aug. 9 – Sept. 23) at the HERA analog facility at Johnson Space Center in Houston. Congratulations, Sergii! We wish you and your crew an incredible experience on your mission “to Mars!” NASA Research Volunteers to Begin Next Simulated Mission to Mars [NASA Announcement, 07.22.24] NASA selected a new team… READ MORE >

Don’t Miss the Mars Society Convention’s Exciting Track Talk Presentations!

The Annual International Mars Society Convention features plenary talks and panel discussions with top experts in Mars and space exploration, the commercial space industry, technological development, and space advocacy. To give more enthusiastic professional & non-professional speakers a chance to participate, the Mars Society also includes 30-minute track talk presentations during afternoon sessions. This year’s event will showcase several dozen track talk speakers, such as: – Angelina Tsuboi: Architecting Marsnet: Interplanetary Internet Design for Mars and Beyond – Jay Garg:… READ MORE >

Dr. Agnieszka Wendland to Discuss “The First Tree on Mars” at 2024 Mars Society Convention

The Mars Society is excited to announce that Dr. Agnieszka Wendland, an Assistant Professor at Warsaw University of Technology, will be delivering a (virtual) plenary talk at the 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention this August. Her presentation, titled “The First Tree on Mars,” is part of a new multi-authored research project led by NASA’s Dr. Chris McKay. The project explores the possibility of warming the Red Planet by increasing its CO2 density and introducing greenhouse gases like perfluorocarbons (PFCs),… READ MORE >

Bryan Versteeg to Showcase ‘Future Habitats’ at the 2024 Mars Society Convention

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that Bryan Versteeg, an award-winning conceptual designer, will be presenting at the 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention, taking place this August at the University of Washington in Seattle. Mr. Versteeg will deliver a talk titled “Future Habitats: Simulating the Path to Human Space Settlement.” His presentation will explore the innovative use of video game engine tools to enhance awareness and education about space exploration, focusing on both planetary surfaces and free space… READ MORE >

Ashton Zeth Takes on Expanded Role with the Mars Society

The Mars Society is thrilled to announce that Ashton Zeth, the dynamic host of our successful Red Planet Live (RPL) podcast, has been appointed the new Director of the Mars Society Ambassador program. Initially launched in 2020 by veteran space advocate, public speaker, and author James Melton, the program is a professional team of volunteer advocates from around the globe. Their mission is to elevate public awareness and support for landing human explorers on Mars within a decade, eventually leading… READ MORE >

An AI-Created Poem about the 1st Humans to Land on the Red Planet

David Down, a member of our Mars Society Facebook group page, recently used an AI chatbot called Poe to compose a poem about the first people landing on the Red Planet. It’s quite impressive. Here it is. Red Planet Pioneers Across the void of space they flew, Brave souls in vessels tried and true. Months of travel, dreams in sight, Mars growing larger, day and night. The rusty surface drawing near, Hearts racing fast with hope and fear. Descent begins,… READ MORE >

Potential Terraforming Breakthrough to Be Presented at Mars Society Convention

The Mars Society is delighted to announce that a new breakthrough concept that could open the way to terraforming the Red Planet will be presented at the 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention, which will be held at the University of Washington in Seattle, August 8-11. Developed by a team led by University of Chicago Prof. Edwin Kite and in collaboration with Prof. Hooman Mohseni‘s research group at Northwestern University and Prof. Ramses Ramirez at the University of Central Florida,… READ MORE >

Red Planet Live to Welcome Top-Level NASA Mars Panel on July 2nd

The Mars Society is very pleased to announce that a distinguished three-person NASA panel will join the Red Planet Live (RPL) podcast on Tuesday, July 2nd at 5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET. This expert team will delve into topics including Mars exploration, strategies for sample returns from the Red Planet, and the architecture supporting Moon to Mars missions. Hosted by Ashton Zeth, this first podcast episode of July will mark the beginning of RPL’s new twice-a-month format (airing… READ MORE >

Arctic Flashline Mission is Happening Again!

The Mars Society is excited to announce the return of an international crew to the organization’s Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station in northern Canada for approximately two weeks, beginning on June 26th (weather permitting). Established in 2001, the Flashline station aims to develop the capabilities needed for Mars to enable productive field research during long human missions. Over the years, the facility has evolved to achieve higher levels of realism and fidelity, ultimately supporting the training of Mars-bound astronauts. Located… READ MORE >

Steve Iuliano Wins Top Prize in 2024 Mars Society Poster Contest

The Mars Society is thrilled to announce that Steve Iuliano has secured first place in the 2024 Mars Society Poster Contest! Hailing from Brisbane, Australia, Steve is a professional learning specialist with expertise in 3D design, VR, AR, game design, coding, music composition, audio production, and interactive classroom presentations. The contest called for poster submissions incorporating the theme “The Road to Mars,” highlighting the technology, education, and advocacy driving humanity toward a future on the Red Planet. Steve’s winning poster… READ MORE >

Exploring a Martian Economy at 2024 Mars Society Convention

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that Jonathan Schramm, a financial writer and former biochemist, will present (virtually) a plenary talk titled “Building a Martian Economy” during the 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention this August at the University of Washington in Seattle. Mr. Schramm’s diverse background includes genetic analysis and clinical trials, as well as work in the pharmaceutical and water purification industries. Currently, he focuses on writing and analysis in finance, biotech, technological innovation, energy, and geopolitics…. READ MORE >

Call for Abstracts (2024 Convention)

Presentations for the 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention are invited. This year’s four-day global forum (August 8-11, 2024 at the University of Washington in Seattle) will deal with all matters associated with the exploration and settlement of the Red Planet, including science, technology, engineering, spaceflight, artificial intelligence, politics, public policy & advocacy, STEM education, economics, etc. Abstracts between 150-300 words can be uploaded on to our Mars Society abstract page. Please note that the deadline for submitting abstracts for consideration is Sunday,… READ MORE >

Red Planet Creativity: Join Our 2024 Poster Contest!

The Mars Society is hosting its annual poster design contest, and we want YOU to join in! If you’ve got a knack for creativity, graphic work, and love of Mars and space exploration, this is your chance to shine. The winning design will be used as the primary promotional graphic for our 27th Annual International Mars Society Convention (August 8-11, 2024) at the University of Washington (Seattle). This year’s convention theme, “The Road to Mars,” centers on the tangible progress… READ MORE >

Register for the 2024 International Mars Society Convention!

Calling all Mars and space advocates! Mark your calendars for the 2024 International Mars Society Convention, taking place Thursday, August 8th through Sunday, August 11th at the University of Washington campus (The HUB) in Seattle. This annual event, now in its 27th year, remains the premier global gathering focused on Mars exploration, human settlement planning, and cutting-edge space-related topics. The convention will bring together a diverse array of experts including scientists, engineers, aerospace executives, policymakers, journalists, and space enthusiasts to discuss humanity’s… READ MORE >

RPL Welcomes Back Veteran Space Journalist Leonard David for Podcast Interview

The Mars Society is excited and honored to welcome back to its Red Planet Live (RPL) podcast Leonard David, a veteran journalist with over 50 years of experience covering space-related news stories for a variety of media sources, including Space.com, The Financial Times, Foreign Policy, Astronomy, Space News, Sky & Telescope and his own blog, Inside Outer Space. Scheduled for a live one-hour broadcast on Tuesday, March 19th at 5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET, Leonard will join our… READ MORE >

New Robert Zubrin Book – “The New World on Mars” – Has Been Published!

Mars Society President Dr. Robert Zubrin’s new book “The New World on Mars: What We Can Create on the Red Planet” has now been published! As SpaceX rapidly advances its new “Starship” launch system through its test flight program, it has become apparent that it will soon be possible to voyage to the Red Planet. That possibility opens up a truly grand question: What can we create on Mars? It is this question that Zubrin’s new book attempts to answer…. READ MORE >

Zubrin to Address Star Trek Convention in SF

The Mars Society is pleased to announce that Dr. Robert Zubrin, the organization’s president and founder, will be addressing the upcoming Star Trek convention (ST-SF: Trek to San Francisco), scheduled for March 8-10 in the Golden Gate City. Dr. Zubrin will be discussing planning for human Mars exploration, the technologies needed to settle the planet, and his new book, “The New World on Mars: What We Can Create on the Red Planet.” Organized by Creation Entertainment, the annual sci-fi conference… READ MORE >

Mars Technology Institute: Final Week to Contribute to Our Successful Fundraising Campaign

As we count down the final week of our groundbreaking crowdfunding campaign, the Mars Technology Institute (MTI) extends a last call for you to become a founding member of a historic venture. This is your chance to play a pivotal role in an initiative that will not only push humanity towards the stars, but also drive groundbreaking advancements here on Earth. The Urgency of Now In just seven days, our crowdfunding campaign will close. This is your unique opportunity to… READ MORE >

Blog: Mars Ambassadors are Catalysts for Change

By James Melton, PhD, Mars Society Chief Ambassador Red Planet Bound Blog OUR STORY In the dark stillness of the night, zero four hundred hours a Zoom link is clicked in Pakistan. Nasir reaches for his notepad for the call. Simultaneously, in Australia, at 0700 hours at dawn, Jonathan is ready for work, but before leaving, he clicks on the Zoom link. In the United Kingdom, at 10:00 PM, Emma and Steve join in. At 4:00 PM in Austin and… READ MORE >

Robert Zubrin to Give Talk at Univ. of Edinburgh (Scotland)

As part of his ongoing speaking tour in the United Kingdom, Dr. Robert Zubrin, President and founder of the Mars Society, will be giving a talk titled “The New World on Mars: What We Can Create on the Red Planet” at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland on Wednesday, January 24th (5:00-6:30 pm). Hosted by the school’s Space Sciences Society, the 90-minute lecture (including Q&A with the audience) is open to the general public. Advanced registration is required. Please use… READ MORE >

Major News: Water Ice Buried at Mars’ Equator is Over 2 Miles Thick

Large deposits of subsurface water ice two miles thick have been found near the Martian equator by the European Space Agency – ESA orbiter. This discovery could improve future prospects for human Mars settlement.​  Water Ice Buried at Mars’ Equator is Over 2 Miles ThickBy Keith Cooper, Space.com, 01.19.24 A European Space Agency (ESA) probe has found enough water to cover Mars in an ocean between 4.9 and 8.9 feet (1.5 and 2.7 meters) deep, buried in the form of dusty ice beneath the planet’s… READ MORE >

Robert Zubrin to Do Speaking Tour in France and the UK

Mars Society President and founder Dr. Robert Zubrin is scheduled to visit Europe this month to participate in a series of public talks and panel discussions involving planning for human Mars exploration, the recent establishment of the Mars Society’s Mars Technology Institute (MTI), and the growing challenges facing humanity. The first two public events will occur in France while the next three will take place in England and Scotland. All of the scheduled gatherings are open to the general public, with registration required. As… READ MORE >

Mars Technology Institute Year-End Fundraising Appeal

Be a Maker of History – Your Year-End Gift Can Change the Future! Dear Friend, As we approach the end of another remarkable year in the history of the movement to send human beings to Mars, we at the Mars Society reflect on the strides we’ve made and the journey that lies ahead. This is the year we began the Mars Technology Institute to accelerate our goals dramatically. The MTI will pioneer the technologies for the human settlement of the… READ MORE >