
Mars Society Creates MDRS-FMARS Alumni Group on Linkedin

The Mars Society recently established the MDRS-FMARS Alumni Group on LinkedIn to serve as a place of contact for former crew members who served at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in Utah or the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station (FMARS) in Canada.

The new LinkedIn platform will allow former crew members to network professionally, discuss career progress and opportunities, post research and presentations about analog work and related studies, add articles about and photos from past crew missions, and connect personally with their former crew mates “on Mars”.

The Mars Society is interested in learning more about its former MDRS and FMARS crew members and any research that they have been or are currently involved in, with the goal of promoting it via its online platforms. To learn more about this, please email: mstoltz@marssociety.org.