The 2017 Mars Society Poster Contest kicks off today. Members, friends and space enthusiasts are all invited to submit a poster for consideration, with the winning design to be used as the main promotional graphic for the 20th Annual International Mars Society Convention, scheduled for September 7-10, at the University of California Irvine. Those intending to create a poster for the annual competition are asked to incorporate the main theme of this year’s 20th anniversary convention – “From Imagination to… READ MORE >
Month: February 2017

The Mars Society is sponsoring a Student Mars Art (SMArt) Contest, inviting youth from around the world to depict the human future on the planet Mars. Young artists from grades 4 through 12 (ages 8 to 18) are invited to submit up to three works of art each, illustrating any part of the human future on the Red Planet, including the first landing, human field exploration, operations at an early Mars base, the building of the first Martian cities, terraforming… READ MORE >