Dear Mars Society Supporter,
It has truly been an exciting year for Mars and human space exploration with NASA’s announcement of the Journey to Mars program that includes a human mission to the Red Planet, astronaut Scott Kelly starting a one-year mission on board the ISS, the highly-publicized debut of “The Martian” movie, the successful growth of SpaceX and the commercial space industry, and NASA’s recent confirmation of water on the surface of Mars.
For the first time since humans set foot on the Moon, a renewed enthusiasm for human space exploration has ignited public interest in Mars. That is why it is so important that we continue the mission of the Mars Society to promote planning of and advocacy for a human mission to the Red Planet. We cannot do this without your help.
Contributing to the cause of the Mars Society will assist us in continuing our on-going efforts to inspire and educate the world about the importance of human exploration of the planet Mars, as we have been doing since 1998. The Mars Society has had a very busy and productive year in 2015. Here are some of the highlights that you and others helped make happen:
- A successful rebuild of the MDRS GreenHab with public support.
- The hosting over a dozen 20th Century Fox science bloggers at MDRS to promote “The Martian” movie.
- High-level media attention in MDRS, including Associated Press, HBO and ABC News.
- A well-attended Mars Society convention in Washington, D.C.
- An announcement of the International Gemini Mars Design competition.
- Record-setting participation in the University Rover Challenge contest.
- A web site redesign and new member site development.
In addition to our recent efforts, here is what there is to look forward to in 2016:
- Preparation for longer duration simulation missions at MDRS.
- Continuing research and education at MDRS that promotes field science.
- Urging members of Congress to increase fiscal support of NASA via our collaboration with the Space Exploration Alliance (SEA).
- The next Mars Society convention in Washington, D.C. (September 22-25, 2016)
- An expanded 30-team University Rover Challenge competition.
We would like to thank you for your strong interest in the work carried out by the Mars Society. We are a grassroots, volunteer-run non-profit organization that depends on your generous support to continue the inspiring and important work and research that we do, all of which benefits the goal of humans to Mars.
With the presidential election looming in late 2016, now more than ever, the Mars Society intends to keep up the fight for a broad and sustainable Mars exploration program. For the past 45 years, America’s space program has undergone numerable changes and funding issues with every new administration putting its own stamp on U.S. space planning. This must stop! The Mars Society has long been the sole organization advocating expanded Mars funding and staying the course to send humans to Mars. Next year will be no different with an active Mars Society campaign to visit Capitol Hill twice, first in conjunction with the SEA in February and then during our convention in September.
Please help us continue our fight for America’s goal to send humans to Mars. Extend support to the Mars Society by contributing online via our web site or by sending in a donation via mail (gift form available for print-out). Society memberships also make for a great holiday present!
Thank you again, and together let’s make it a prosperous new year for Mars!
Robert Zubrin
The Mars Society