
Welcome to the Members Area

Member Benefits

Benefits of Membership to the Mars Society include a membership card, a special invitation and discount to the International Mars Society Convention, regular Mars Society email updates and announcements, an opportunity to participate in local Mars Society chapter events and activities and special access to exclusive online chats, webinars and discussions with leading Mars experts and scientists.

Sign up for the Mars Society Newsletter

Register for the International Mars Society Convention and submit research paper abstracts (no more than 300 words) via abstracts.marssociety.org

Participate in the New Mars Discussion Forums

Purchase items from our Official Online Store

Access The Mars Quarterly Archive

Chapter Information

Chapters of the Mars Society are local, independent groups which are organized by members.  There are Mars Society chapters in many U.S. states, and countries around the world.  These groups typically work on Mars-related projects together.

Find A Chapter Near You

Chapter Documention – find information on forming/re-forming and growing a chapter.

Once you are ready to begin, submit the Chapter Interest Form to make us aware of your interest, and so we can help you by connecting you with other members in your region.

Submit updates on your chapter including Photos and Videos by using the Chapter Updates Form.

Task Forces

Task Forces of the Mars Society are organized to accomplish specific goals or support existing projects.  If you are interested in Volunteering for one or more of these task forces, please contact the person listed.

MDRS Support & Volunteers – responsible for maintaining and supporting the crews of the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS).  Led by Shannon Rupert (srupert@marssociety.org)

Marspedia Editorial & Technical Subcommittees – responsible for keeping the Marspedia online encyclopedia up to date with great articles and the latest technology. Volunteers of all skill levels can assist. Contact James Burk (jburk@marssociety.org) or join the weekly Editorial telecon.

Education Forum – responsible for promoting Mars and STEM topics.  Led by Nicole Willet (nicolew@marssociety.org)

Internet Task Force – responsible for the public outreach websites of the Mars Society, including supporting Chapters with IT and web hosting.  Led by James Burk (jburk@marssociety.org)

Social Media Task Force – responsible for public outreach through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media channels.  Led by Michael Stoltz (mstoltz@marssociety.org)